Saturday, June 22, 2013

Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, SAY NO to the pink stuff!

Incase you didn't know...heartburn sucks! I never really had much indigestion, and never any heartburn before having a baby. However, here we are, and as you know by now (assuming this isn't the very first post you have read on my blog) I try to stay away from chemicals, dyes, and such. So that means no pink stuff, or any of those useless chalk like tablets that claim to provide calcium. I'm sure they mean well, and they probably really do contain calcium, but have you ever wondered if your body can actually consume and use that said calcium that they put there? I have...and that is a whole different blog topic. Today we are discussing what to do when we need a little plop-plop-fizz-fizz in our glass without all the added junk. Also, that junk is expensive! Have you purchased any stomach helping medicines lately? Goodness! Ingredients aside, I would want to make my own even if it was just to save money. So here we homemade heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, "I just don't feel good in the tummy area" remedy. Like my homemade mouthwash, it is almost free it is so cheap! Better then that though, it works!

Homemade Tummy Trouble Relief


1/2 teaspoon baking soda
4 oz water

Mix, Drink, Feel better.

The fine print is below:

Before using anything you should always do your own research, and make the best decision for you, your body, and your health. I can not tell you if this will work for you, or even if you should try it. I just know that it is safe for me to consume, and it works for me. Use at your own risk.
Warnings:      •     Ask a doctor before use if you have a sodium restricted diet.      •    Ask a doctor or a pharmacist before use if you are taking a prescription drug. Antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs.       •    Do not administer to children under age 5.      •    STOMACH WARNING: TO AVOID SERIOUS INJURY, DO NOT TAKE UNTIL POWDER IS COMPLETELY DISSOLVED. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO TAKE THIS PRODUCT WHEN OVERLY FULL FROM FOOD OR DRINK. Consult a doctor if severe stomach pain occurs after taking this product.       •    Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms last more than 2 weeks.

  • Baking soda may be ingested for heartburn, gout or even urinary tract infections. Mixing a small amount of this white powder for relief is a relatively simple and very inexpensive way to help improve your body's pH so that these health conditions are not as severe. Baking soda is not a cure for any disease, nor is it a substitute for regular medical care. Be sure to talk to your doctor first to see if ingesting baking soda is right for you and how much is safe.
  • Baking soda is high in sodium and is not safe in high doses nor should it be used over a long period of time. It is also not safe for people who have certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, liver or kidney disease or edema. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid it unless directed by their doctor. If not dissolved properly or if taken on a full stomach it can cause an upset stomach.
  • Possible side effects of drinking baking soda in water include stomach cramps and increased thirst. If you notice more serious side effects such as nausea, weakness, slow breathing, mental changes or swelling of the feet, contact your doctor.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Homemade Healing Salve

My son and I were playing outside in the sprinkler the other day, eating fresh peaches and enjoying a beautiful summer day. When we came inside I noticed both of us had several bug bites and a few scrapes on our legs. After thoroughly cleaning the wounds with water and calendula goats milk soap, I decided I should put some sort of salve on it to help heal quicker and relieve the itching. That is how I came up with my very inexpensive (especially if you keep these ingredients on hand like I do), easy, and effective healing salve.

Homemade healing salve


1/4 cup coconut oil 

1 tablespoon dried calendula 


Warm the coconut oil just enough so it is a liquid (this can be done by putting it in glass jar and running warm water over it until the coconut oil melts). Once you have your liquid coconut oil, mix 1 table spoon of the calendula into the coconut oil. I added a couple extra pinches of it just for good measure. Once mixed store your salve in a airtight container in a cool place. If it is too warm you will have coconut/calendula soup instead of salve. 

I use this on bites, scrapes, burns, ect. You can add a few drop of lavender essential oil to give it antibacterial, antiseptic, and slightly pain reliving properties. 

This salve helped soothe the itching, and helped my son and I heal up quickly from our bug bites and scrapes. I will be sure to keep some on hand for the rest of the summer!

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Homemade Mouth Wash

I simply can not believe I didn't read the ingredients on our mouth wash sooner! Ugh! I was standing in the bathroom the other day chatting with my husband while he brushed his teeth. He reached for the mouth wash and when he sat it down I realized there was a whole paragraph of ingredients on the back. At that point I already knew I would be throwing it out and making my own, but I went ahead and read them. Disgusting! I immediately told him to spit it out and we would not be buying any more! He told me that was just fine as long as I replaced it with something because he really likes using mouth wash. Right away I went to work trying to find a recipe that I thought would work. This is what I came up with...

1 quart of water
3 drops peppermint essential oil
1 drop clove essential oil

Mix together in mason jar. Shake before use. Swish in mouth then spit out.

My husband tried it today and absolutely loves it! It is so cheap it is nearly free, and it doesn't have any chemicals, dyes, or any bad for you junk in it. It tastes great, smells great, works great, and is actually very good for your mouth. I have never been a big fan of mouth wash, I didn't like the *burn* it always left in my mouth. This mouth wash, however, is quite pleasant. I am a big fan. Try it out, let me know what you think. There are many, many ways you can customize this to your liking. These just happened to be the ingredients I had on hand when I decided to make it.

For more of my homemade tips click here.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

An alternitave to this recipe is to use 3-4 drops OnGuard essential oil blend by doTerra. It tastes much better then the clove oil, and has many more protecting properties. 

My (huge) garden.

I have a huge garden. It would be a large garden for anyone, but it is especially big considering the fact that it is my very first garden, I'm taking care of it mostly by myself, and I have a one year old that demands 97% of my time. What do I have planted in this huge garden you ask? Well let me just tell you...

Peppers (banana, bell, hot)

I have several plants of everything. Most of the stuff has more then one row. That isn't including my herbs or flowers.

Oh, did I mention that it is 100% organic? Yeah, basically that means I have crazy amounts of grass and weeds growing in it and the only way to get rid of them is by pulling them or hoeing them. Our tiller is broken, the one we borrowed had to be returned to the owner (it didn't work right either, so it wasn't the best anyway) so I can't even get between the rows tilled to help knock back some of the weeds and grass. I have no idea what to do with 300 beets. I have radishes coming out my ears, and my poor squash is so big they are starting to break at the base. I know next year will be a lot better because not only will we have more time to plan and prep the ground, we will also have experience. My son will be a year older so that will maybe make things easier, and I will hopefully have a better idea of what I am doing. However, none does me any good today. Because today I have this beautiful garden that really needs some tender loving care, and I just can't seem to provide all it needs.

Incase you didn't know, we just moved into our house a month and a half ago. This is the reason I didn't have much time to prep and plan out my garden better, or get more reliable tiller.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.