Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Homemade Mouth Wash

I simply can not believe I didn't read the ingredients on our mouth wash sooner! Ugh! I was standing in the bathroom the other day chatting with my husband while he brushed his teeth. He reached for the mouth wash and when he sat it down I realized there was a whole paragraph of ingredients on the back. At that point I already knew I would be throwing it out and making my own, but I went ahead and read them. Disgusting! I immediately told him to spit it out and we would not be buying any more! He told me that was just fine as long as I replaced it with something because he really likes using mouth wash. Right away I went to work trying to find a recipe that I thought would work. This is what I came up with...

1 quart of water
3 drops peppermint essential oil
1 drop clove essential oil

Mix together in mason jar. Shake before use. Swish in mouth then spit out.

My husband tried it today and absolutely loves it! It is so cheap it is nearly free, and it doesn't have any chemicals, dyes, or any bad for you junk in it. It tastes great, smells great, works great, and is actually very good for your mouth. I have never been a big fan of mouth wash, I didn't like the *burn* it always left in my mouth. This mouth wash, however, is quite pleasant. I am a big fan. Try it out, let me know what you think. There are many, many ways you can customize this to your liking. These just happened to be the ingredients I had on hand when I decided to make it.

For more of my homemade tips click here.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

An alternitave to this recipe is to use 3-4 drops OnGuard essential oil blend by doTerra. It tastes much better then the clove oil, and has many more protecting properties.