Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Homemade Flu/Cold/Allergy Remedy and Preventive.

My Homemade Flu/Cold/Allergy Remedy and Preventive. 

Elderberry Syrup

What you need:

2-4oz Elderberry Concentrate
2-4oz Raw local honey
Tea ball full of dried echinacea 
Fresh ginger root
Pint size mason jar

How to make:

Fill the jar half way with boiling water, and steep the echinacea while you work on the other ingredients. In a small pan pour in your elderberry and honey, heat the pan on low and stir slowly until the honey has dissolved. Pour your mixture into your mason jar. Grate your ginger root into the jar, about an inch or so. Shake and store in the fridge. 

What we do with it: 

For immunity: Take 1 tbs daily. 

When sick: Take 1 tbs every 4-6 hours as needed. 

For children: Take 1 tsp daily, or every 4-6 hours as needed.

This is for information purposes only. Please do your own research and know the benefits and risks of each ingredient before taking or giving this to someone. 

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