Thursday, February 16, 2012

Soap Nuts...

I just ordered some soap nuts to try out. I can not believe I haven't heard of these before. Also, I can not wait for them to get here. I'm saving up my laundry (at least that is my excuse for not doing laundry) until they arrive. They should be here in just a few days. I got a bag of nuts as well as some already made liquid soap (which is made from water and soap nuts). If it turns out that they are as awesome as I think they will be then I will probably just order a big bag of the nuts and make my own liquid. The reason I need the liquid version instead of just the nuts is because I wash everything in cold water, and the nuts need warm water to better activate them. However, once I start washing cloth diapers I can just use the nuts on them because they need warm/hot water. Depending on how much trouble it is to make the liquid I may end up switching to warm water for my regular laundry, we will just have to wait and see. I will post a link so you can read more about soap nuts. They are pretty amazing. They are 100% natural nuts from the center of a fruit that grows on a tree. Can't get much more green/natural than that! They can be used to make all sorts of household cleaners, and even shampoo. The bag I ordered will do about 150 loads, and the 32oz of liquid I ordered will do about  64 loads. With shipping it will cost me about .25cents per load. However, this cost can go way down if I had ordered a big bag of soap nuts instead of the small one. I just wanted to test them out this time. Assuming they work like I expect then I will be getting a big bag and they will cost about .13 cents a load. I will attach the link to the website I purchased mine from. I'm not saying this is the best place, it is simply where I placed my first order. We will see how I like them once my order arrives.

 FAQ about soap nuts

Soap nut store

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