The things I make thus far are:
- General household cleaner and sanitizer - my recipe here
- Kitchen/bathroom cleaner and sanitizer - my recipe here
- Laundry detergent - my recipie here
- Floor cleaner - Mop with a bucket of hot water, 10 drops of lemon essential oil, 10 drops of pine or cedar essential oil, 2 cups of white vinegar.
- Glass cleaner - Spray window/mirror with 1 part white vinegar and 3 parts water, wipe with wet (with water) microfiber cloth.
- Fabric softener - my recipie here
- Rinse-aid for the dishwasher - I just use white vinegar.
- Fabric/room freshener - Still perfecting it, will post when I am happy with the results.
- Fruit/Veggie wash - I fill sink/bowl with water, then add about a cup of white vinegar.
- Wood oil - 1 cup olive oil, 10 drops cedar oil, 10 drops lemon oil.
- Mouth wash- my recipe here
- Hand/Body Soap - my recipes here
- Teeth Whitener - 1 part hydrogen peroxide (pre diluted to 3%), 1 part water. Swish, Spit, let bubbles work for a bit, then swish with mouth wash.
- Toothpaste - I get my recipes for this from here (for now until I come up with my own)
- Hair Gel - here
- Solid Loton - here
- Healing Salve - here
- Face scrub - coming soon
- Body butter - here (This is someone else's recipe that I have used. I will post my own version soon)
- Shaving Cream - same as body butter (above)
The things I still buy (but get the least chemical filled brands/types I can find) are:
- Hand/Body Soap - from here
- Shampoo/Conditioner - also from here
- Deodorant - Buy from here or I make the recipe posted here
- Bubble bath - from here
- Sunscreen - same as bubble bath
- Automatic dishwasher detergent - from here
- Dish soap - same as dishwasher detergent
A majority of the things on the "buy" list I have tried to make, I just haven't found a recipe that I really like yet. As far as makeup and other beauty products I have not converted over 100% yet. Mostly because I almost never wear makeup (as in once every couple of months) so I don't feel that is a big concern at this time. I also still buy regular chemical-filled mousse. I just haven't found anything that makes me happy that is natural yet. When it comes to chapstick and things of that nature I use a variety of natural brands. Coconut oil, and almond oil are about the only things I use as moisturizer, lotion, or face creams.

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