Monday, July 29, 2013

Does it work? DigestZen essential oil blend.

Tummy troubles? Want something that works, that is safe, and natural? Here is my review of doTerra DigestZen digestive essential oil blend.

First off, I have had kinda sorta of an upset stomach for the last day and a half. Every time I eat it makes me feel gross. So of course once my DigestZen blend from doTerra came in I wanted to give it a try right away.

doTerra says that you can rub some on your stomach, or you can ingest it. I decided the quickest way to get relief would be to ingest it. I'm not sure if this is accurate because I haven't tried the other method yet, non the less, ingestion is the way I went. I got a small cup of water (about 3 oz) and put 1-2 drops of DigestZen into it, then drank it. Right away I realized it had some sort of licorice tasting essential oil in it. After further investigation I realized it has tarragon, which to me tastes like black licerious. I do NOT like black licorice! However, since I didn't have a lot to drink I just took it all in about two big gulps. According to doTerra the digestive blend has essential oils from; ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander, and anise.

Anyway, you are probably saying to your computer stop talking about the licorice taste and tell me already...DOES IT WORK?

After about 20-30 minuets I noticed my stomach felt better. No more upset stomach, I just simply felt...normal. I'm very happy with the results. Next time I will try rubbing it on the outside of my stomach just because of the licorice taste, however, it worked well enough that I wouldn't mind enduring the taste for the relief.

Have you tired doTerra DigestZen? What were your thoughts?

Want to try it for yourself? Click my link here... to visit my shop. I would greatly appreciate your business and a comment from you letting me know how it worked for you.

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