Saturday, October 5, 2013


I decided that I wanted to make something crafty out of the okra from my garden. It was too big and I wanted to let it mature so I would have seeds for next year. However, since I have 20 plants I had WAY more then enough to have seeds. So making a wreath out of some of it was obviously the next logical choice.

I found a plain wreath at the local craft store. It had been used so I snagged it for $3. Then I got a roll of floral wire for another $2.50.

After gathering the okra, which was brown and starting to split. Which is exactly how I wanted it. I took a big needle (or you could use a knife) and put a little hole in the tip of the okra.

Next, I put the floral wire through three okra ends.

Then I simply arranged the groups on the wreath.

Thats it. Added a bow (that I already had so it was free) and now I have a beautiful fall wreath that only cost $5.50, and about 30 min of my time.