Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Cream

We have a nice thick layer of ice, and about 5 inches of powdery white snow. So of course after playing in the snow we had to come in the house and make snow cream (out of the "clean" snow, not the part we were playing in). I have to say it turned out to be pretty darn good, and it was VERY easy to make. It took me longer to find the vanilla (it fell back behind my other spices) then it did to whip everything together. Okay, enough about my experience. Try this recipe and let me know what you think.


4 cups (a little more or less is fine) "clean" snow (do NOT use yellow snow)
1 cup almond milk (or coconut milk, or cream, or whatever you use as milk)
1/4 cup (or so..depending on taste) honey (or maple syrup, or sugar or whatever you use to sweeten)  
1 tsp real vanilla extract

Put the ingredients in a bowl and stir. Thats all. You can add more or less of anything depending on your taste, and if you want it thicker just add more snow.

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