Wednesday, January 16, 2013

No more dyes!

After reading this article : 100daysofrealfood Blog “Beyond the behavioral problems and cancer risks, the greatest hazard that dyes pose for children may also be the most obvious: They draw kids away from nutritious foods and toward brightly colored processed products that are high in calories but low in nutrients, such as fruit-flavored drinks and snack foods. Those types of foods are a major force in America’s obesity epidemic.”

I have decided to make a conscious effort not to purchase foods that contain dyes (other than dyes that are made naturally). If we are visiting someone, or the little man is attending a birthday party for example and the host provides foods with dyes we will partake in the festivities and enjoy a cupcake (or whatever the treat happens to be). However, for my home and the foods I purchase with the intent to feeding my family or guests I will be doing my best to avoid dyes. I am so disappointed that we live in such a world that these types of dangerous things are so easily obtained without so much as a warning on the package. At least if you were to buy tobacco products there is a warning label telling you that they are unsafe, and children under 18 years can not legally purchase these things. Yet, a child with a little bit of change can purchase a package of candy with very harmful substances inside it, and most people do not think a thing about it. I hope everyone reading this will do their own research about the harmful effects of dyes. Even if you choose to continue to consume them at least you will understand the risks you are taking. As for me and my family we just can not look at a package of skittles the same way again.

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