We have chosen to eat real food because that processed boxed/fast food junk simply isn't good for you. Never mind that it is expensive, isn't even tasty, and makes us feel bad. Real food that is made from wholesome healthy ingredients tastes so much better, cost less (once you get started and have some ingredients already on hand), and is SO very much healthier! It doesn't even take that long to prepare a good, healthy, homemade meal. In the photo is another reason we are choosing real food. If it doesn't break down, or mold, ect, then it isn't real food and we should not be eating it! We are still doing a very limited amount of processed things just because we don't have our garden up and going yet (like canned tomatoes from the store as opposed to ones I canned from my garden). Once we have our garden this spring, and our fruit trees start bearing fruit we will be buying even less at the store. In the mean time there is so much we can do to better our food. Right now when we go food shopping our motto is "if it has ingredients that we wouldn't use at home, can't pronounce, or don't know what it is exactly we do not buy it". This is a big step from just buying what looked good. In addition, we are not eating fast food. If it doesn't come from a locally owned, small chain, regular type diner/restaurant that uses mostly fresh ingredients then we just simply eat at home or bring food with us when we are out. These are our first steps to being healthier, less dependent on outside sources for food, and striving to live better. What are you doing to achieve this?
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