Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Cream

We have a nice thick layer of ice, and about 5 inches of powdery white snow. So of course after playing in the snow we had to come in the house and make snow cream (out of the "clean" snow, not the part we were playing in). I have to say it turned out to be pretty darn good, and it was VERY easy to make. It took me longer to find the vanilla (it fell back behind my other spices) then it did to whip everything together. Okay, enough about my experience. Try this recipe and let me know what you think.


4 cups (a little more or less is fine) "clean" snow (do NOT use yellow snow)
1 cup almond milk (or coconut milk, or cream, or whatever you use as milk)
1/4 cup (or so..depending on taste) honey (or maple syrup, or sugar or whatever you use to sweeten)  
1 tsp real vanilla extract

Put the ingredients in a bowl and stir. Thats all. You can add more or less of anything depending on your taste, and if you want it thicker just add more snow.

Need some doTerra essential oils? Check out my site... CLICK HERE

Monday, November 18, 2013

Homemade Solid Lotion

I have been hesitant to make solid lotion. I'm not sure why, it just seem silly to me because I usually just use coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil. However, there is one issue with is hard to carry olive oil in your pocket. Sometimes I just need something that I can pull out of a purse or coat pocket and put on my hands because they get really dry in cold weather. I cannot and will not use lotion from the store. Mostly because ALL of it makes me itch. I don't mean just the stuff that isn't natural, or just the stuff from big box stores, I mean ALL lotion that I purchase makes me itch! Even from someone that makes it in small batches and uses "natural" ingredients. So here I am with dry, itchy, flaky, rough hands trying to remember to carrying around a little tub of coconut oil, and I run across a recipe for solid lotion. Just so happens that I have all of the necessary ingredients, so with a little tweaking to the found recipe I make something that does NOT make me itch! I repeat this does not make me itch!! Its amazing! I can carry it around in a pocket, purse, my hand, stuff it in the top of my boot, or even just sit it in the car and I have lotion whenever I need it. It doesn't cost an arm and a leg to make because all of the ingredients I already had at the house because I use them for other things, and it is easy and quick to make. Freaking love this stuff. I can't believe it took me so long to decide to make it. Anyway, enough about me, time to tell you how you can make your own homemade solid lotion.


  • 2/3 cup beeswax
  • 1/2 cup  coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup shea butter 
  • 15-20 drops of doTerra essential oil (I used peppermint and wild orange)
(Optional: 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil, next time I'm going to try this with almond oil)

Measure everything (except essential oils) out and put them in a large glass jar/cup. I used a pyrex measuring cup. Place the glass jar in a saucepan of boiling water. The water should be about an inch high on the jar. Stir until combined. Once everything is melted and combined then remove from heat and let cool for about 2-3 minuets, then add the essential oils. Stir and pour into silicone mold, or mini muffin tin. Let the bars cool for 2-3 hours then pop them out, wrap in plastic wrap and store in a pretty container until you are ready to use. 

For an exfoliating lotion bar just add a pinch of oatmeal to the bottom of the mold before you pour in the mixture.

Simply rub bar on skin to moisturize.

This stuff not only smells nice, it moisturizes. It doesn't have any chemicals, and it doesn't make me itch! It is very cheap to make, especially if like me, you already have these ingredients on hand for other projects. Not counting the cooling time, this didn't even take 10 minuets to make. That included chasing after my 18 month old (whom was diaperless at the time and kept coming up to me telling me he "pee" and taking me to it so I could clean it up, then of course he "poop, sh-ew" and I had to clean that up as well in the middle of the measuring). Let me know if you make it, and how it turned out. What essential oils did you put in yours? 

Pretty sure I'm going to be making a batch of this for Christmas gifts! 

Need some doTerra essential oils? Check out my site... CLICK HERE

Saturday, October 5, 2013


I decided that I wanted to make something crafty out of the okra from my garden. It was too big and I wanted to let it mature so I would have seeds for next year. However, since I have 20 plants I had WAY more then enough to have seeds. So making a wreath out of some of it was obviously the next logical choice.

I found a plain wreath at the local craft store. It had been used so I snagged it for $3. Then I got a roll of floral wire for another $2.50.

After gathering the okra, which was brown and starting to split. Which is exactly how I wanted it. I took a big needle (or you could use a knife) and put a little hole in the tip of the okra.

Next, I put the floral wire through three okra ends.

Then I simply arranged the groups on the wreath.

Thats it. Added a bow (that I already had so it was free) and now I have a beautiful fall wreath that only cost $5.50, and about 30 min of my time.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Itchy foot relief.

My husband came home from work and said his foot itched. I told him after his shower I would put some essential oils on it. He said it itched really bad and has gotten worse all day. While he was showering I put together what I labeled "itchy foot relief". It consists of:

2 oz coconut oil
2 oz almond oil
10 drops oregano essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil
10 drops tea tree oil

I put this all in a small mason jar, and labeled it. 

As soon as I put it on his foot it stopped itching. Here are before and after photos of his foot. 

As you can see, it healed right up! According to my husband he had this rash for about 2 days, it had finally started it itching so much he couldn't I gore it and finally asked me to put something on it. After applying the "itchy foot relief" that I made he said it didn't itch anymore until about 24hrs later at which time I took a photo and applied more. 

I buy my essential oils at:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The "Second" 3 Months (4-6 months) of my breastfeeding journey.

The "Second" 3 Months (4-6 months) of my breastfeeding journey.

Around 4 months the little man decided he wanted to sit up, it would be until 6 months before he could sit up all by himself. However, that didn't keep him from working at it every day until then.

By this point I was able to get 1-2 hours at a time without nursing him. I couldn't believe it! I had time to fix lunch, and eat! I had time to put something in the crock pot for dinner, and throw a load of laundry in the wash. It was simply amazing to be able to get a few little things accomplished during the day. Assuming you read my blog post about "the first 3 months" you know that I was overjoyed to be able to just fix a glass of water without the little man screaming, so to be able to do laundry was almost more time then I knew what to do with.

Occasionally, I could even slip away while he was taking a nap and have a little "me" time. We were co-sleeping from the beginning, but we began part-time bed-sharing around 2 weeks. By 2 months we were full-time bed-sharing. Nights were so easy, I would lay down with him, he would nurse to sleep, and I could slip out of the bed and go do whatever I wanted for an hour to two. Sometimes I could even get 2-3 hours of a sleeping, happy baby that wasn't latched on or touching me. Don't get me wrong, I happily practice attachment parenting, however when you have been either holding, nursing, or in some way touching another person constantly for nearly half a year, then I don't think it is too much to ask to have a couple hours to yourself now and then...even if it is at 2am.

During the daytime he pretty much nursed every hour, or maybe once a day he would go two hours before he would want to nurse. This was AMAZING! I realize that doesn't sound all that great, but it was constant nursing before that. He spent quite a bit of time trying to sit up, and I spent quite a bit of time watching him, talking to him, reading to him, and just looking at the world with him.

Then came the teeth. By 6 months the little man had two teeth (two more the next month). Once teething started he needed me a lot more so my few hours a day turned back into a few minuets during the 2-3 weeks at a time that he was teething.

There were quite a few challenges during the "second 3 months", such as moving from Hawaii to Arkansas. Which meant the little man and I had to fly across the country (we were by ourselves for that trip). I will say that during the trip I was SO thankful so many times that he only took boob and nothing that could be dropped on the floor, or that had to be mixed. I was also very thankful for my ergo baby carrier. That way I could hold him close, away from all the strangers in the airport, nurse him if he wanted, and load the stroller down with everything I didn't want to carry.

Overall the "second 3 months" were very different, easier, and more difficult then the first three months. They were a preview of what was to come when he started seriously teething, and it was a welcome and much needed time that I had a tiny bit of freedom to just take care of me now and then.

Click here for my doTerra essential oil page.

To read about the "First 3 Months" of my breastfeeding journey click here.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why I became a doTerra consultant.

Essential oils

Essential oils have so many benefits. If you have the right kind, you can use them on your skin, you can ingest them, and use them for aromatically. There are many many reasons to use them, they truly are healing oils when used properly, and when you have the proper oil. 

The oils I had been using seemed fine, they weren't the most expensive or the cheapest. It wasn't until learning more about essential oils that I even began to question if I should get a different brand. The oils I was using were only recommended for aromatherapy. I wanted to use them topically, and was interested in learning more about cooking with them and using them in ways to be ingested. Because of this I started looking for a new brand, one that I could get oils that were organic, free of GMO's, safe to use inside and out of my body. That is when I found doTerra. 

DoTerra essential oils are certified pure therapeutic grade. Which is extremely important when you are picking out essential oils. Especially if you want them to be safe to use inside and on your body. They are much more effective then the "cheaper" oils, so even if they cost more per bottle, you are saving money in the long run because it takes less of a quality oil to be effective. Here is what doTerra has to say; dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils represent the safest, purest, and most beneficial essential oils available today. They are gently and skillfully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy. Experienced essential oil users will immediately recognize the superior quality standard for naturally safe, purely effective therapeutic-grade dōTERRA essential oils.

I decided to become a consultant because it was so much cheaper for me to get the products that I wanted if I was a consultant. It only cost $35 to join, and I got $50 to spend on products, plus a very nice discount on all of the products I buy. I'm pretty sure it would just be silly not to sign up since I had already decided these were the oils I wanted to use for me and my family. I feel that these are some of the safest, and best quality essential oils on the market. 

If you would like to learn more, buy, or become a consultant just click here.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Does it work? DigestZen essential oil blend.

Tummy troubles? Want something that works, that is safe, and natural? Here is my review of doTerra DigestZen digestive essential oil blend.

First off, I have had kinda sorta of an upset stomach for the last day and a half. Every time I eat it makes me feel gross. So of course once my DigestZen blend from doTerra came in I wanted to give it a try right away.

doTerra says that you can rub some on your stomach, or you can ingest it. I decided the quickest way to get relief would be to ingest it. I'm not sure if this is accurate because I haven't tried the other method yet, non the less, ingestion is the way I went. I got a small cup of water (about 3 oz) and put 1-2 drops of DigestZen into it, then drank it. Right away I realized it had some sort of licorice tasting essential oil in it. After further investigation I realized it has tarragon, which to me tastes like black licerious. I do NOT like black licorice! However, since I didn't have a lot to drink I just took it all in about two big gulps. According to doTerra the digestive blend has essential oils from; ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander, and anise.

Anyway, you are probably saying to your computer stop talking about the licorice taste and tell me already...DOES IT WORK?

After about 20-30 minuets I noticed my stomach felt better. No more upset stomach, I just simply felt...normal. I'm very happy with the results. Next time I will try rubbing it on the outside of my stomach just because of the licorice taste, however, it worked well enough that I wouldn't mind enduring the taste for the relief.

Have you tired doTerra DigestZen? What were your thoughts?

Want to try it for yourself? Click my link here... to visit my shop. I would greatly appreciate your business and a comment from you letting me know how it worked for you.

My new best friend: The lotus diffuser, and serenity essential oil blend.

My new best friend: The lotus diffuser, and serenity essential oil blend.

I just received my Lotus Diffuser from doTerra it is amazing! My son was fussing, and I couldn't figure out what he needed, then FedEx showed up with my diffuser. So I immediately put Serenity essential oil blend into the lotus diffuser and we both began to relax right away. I am not surprised that it works, however, I am shocked at how quickly it started working! After about 15 minuets he started quietly coloring in his notebook, and I got to sit down and tell you guys about how well the diffuser and serenity blend works. The lotus diffuser is different because it uses atomization technology to diffuse essential oils into the air so they can be easily absorbed by the human body. This is why it started working so quickly. Serenity oil blend is a blend of several essential oils that are known for their calming properties. It is a very pleasant, subtle aroma that is very calming. It is very pleasant because it is made entirely of essential oils, nothing synthetic, no chemicals, no gmo's, and it is all organic. The lotus diffuser also has a very nice look to it, and has pretty blue lights. I am so happy I ordered it! I was a bit hesitant because I can get a cheap diffuser that I thought worked just fine, but I decided to go ahead and give this fancy one a try and see if it really does work better. Yes, it really does work better. I can now say with experience that a good quality diffuser, and good quality essential oils do make a huge difference. I had been purchasing the cheaper oils and thought they worked fine. Now I know better though. I can get the pricier oils, and use less of them and end up saving money in the long run, and getting much better results. 

If you have essential oil questions feel free to ask, I would love to help you on your journey to finding what works for you.

This is my review of the lotus diffuser and serenity essential oil blend, both my doTerra. What do you think?

Click here to visit my doTerra shop.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Organic Garden Pest Control

Gardening is a bit tricky when you are not using any chemicals. I decided that if I was going to have a garden it must be organic. It requires quite a bit of weeding by going this way, and it also requires alternative insect control. This is how I stumbled upon food grade diatomaceous earth, otherwise knows as DE. Apparently this is the bees knees when it comes to killing bugs and the sort. It is safe enough to consume yourself, and you can put it on your animals, and even feed it to them. It gets rid of everything apparently.

Yesterday I spread it out around the garden. It is supposed to take a couple days or even a week to get rid of everything. Because it isn't a chemical it isn't going to be a instant fix. However, I will gladly wait because it is safe enough that I don't even have to wash it off of my vegetables before I eat them. This is a trade I will gladly make over the non-organic bug control. I will let you know in a few days how it is going with the bugs. I have read many reviews though, and I am pretty sure it is going to get rid of them.

Have you tried DE? Did it work for you?

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Toddler vs Tomato

Toddler vs Tomato

There are many reason I love having a organic garden. However, today I am so thankful that I did not have to worry a bit when my son was standing beside me today while I picked a freshly ripen tomato from the vine, then proceeded to grab said tomato and eat it. There was no need to take it away from him to wash it, I didn't have to be concerned about what or when I just sprayed or sprinkled anything on the garden. He got to enjoy his very fresh tomato and I got to be happy about it.

By the way, he hasn't ever actually liked tomatoes before. I usually provide him some on his plate when we are eating them, but he hasn't been a big fan until tonight when he ate the whole thing in the garden!

Last week he did this with a cucumber, fresh from the garden and has been eating cucumbers since. I guess he just needed to see where they come from. I am so happy my 14 month old is enjoying these fresh vegetables.

Does your toddler eat veggies?

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.



As you probably know I have a very large, organic garden. This garden has several cucumber plants. Which means I have a BUNCH of cucumbers! My solution this issue? Pickles! So far I have only made refrigator pickles. However, they are freaking awesome! I got to use up quite a few cucumbers, spend a couple hours with my mom, and as a reward we have sweet, delicious pickles. Here is the recipe I'm using incase you would like to make your own.

Refrigerator Pickles 


1 cup distilled white vinegar 

1 tablespoon salt 

2 cups white sugar 

6 cups sliced cucumbers 

1 cup sliced onions 

1 cup sliced green bell peppers 


In a medium saucepan over medium heat, bring vinegar, salt and sugar to a boil. Boil until the sugar has dissolved, about 10 minutes.
Place the cucumbers, onions and green bell peppers in a large bowl. Pour the vinegar mixture over the vegetables. Transfer to sterile containers and store in the refrigerator.

Mine didn't have the bell peppers in them. I didn't have very many bell peppers ready yet, so I saved them to just eat on their own. 

Let me know if you try out this recipe! 

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, SAY NO to the pink stuff!

Incase you didn't know...heartburn sucks! I never really had much indigestion, and never any heartburn before having a baby. However, here we are, and as you know by now (assuming this isn't the very first post you have read on my blog) I try to stay away from chemicals, dyes, and such. So that means no pink stuff, or any of those useless chalk like tablets that claim to provide calcium. I'm sure they mean well, and they probably really do contain calcium, but have you ever wondered if your body can actually consume and use that said calcium that they put there? I have...and that is a whole different blog topic. Today we are discussing what to do when we need a little plop-plop-fizz-fizz in our glass without all the added junk. Also, that junk is expensive! Have you purchased any stomach helping medicines lately? Goodness! Ingredients aside, I would want to make my own even if it was just to save money. So here we homemade heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, "I just don't feel good in the tummy area" remedy. Like my homemade mouthwash, it is almost free it is so cheap! Better then that though, it works!

Homemade Tummy Trouble Relief


1/2 teaspoon baking soda
4 oz water

Mix, Drink, Feel better.

The fine print is below:

Before using anything you should always do your own research, and make the best decision for you, your body, and your health. I can not tell you if this will work for you, or even if you should try it. I just know that it is safe for me to consume, and it works for me. Use at your own risk.
Warnings:      •     Ask a doctor before use if you have a sodium restricted diet.      •    Ask a doctor or a pharmacist before use if you are taking a prescription drug. Antacids may interact with certain prescription drugs.       •    Do not administer to children under age 5.      •    STOMACH WARNING: TO AVOID SERIOUS INJURY, DO NOT TAKE UNTIL POWDER IS COMPLETELY DISSOLVED. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO TAKE THIS PRODUCT WHEN OVERLY FULL FROM FOOD OR DRINK. Consult a doctor if severe stomach pain occurs after taking this product.       •    Stop use and ask a doctor if symptoms last more than 2 weeks.

  • Baking soda may be ingested for heartburn, gout or even urinary tract infections. Mixing a small amount of this white powder for relief is a relatively simple and very inexpensive way to help improve your body's pH so that these health conditions are not as severe. Baking soda is not a cure for any disease, nor is it a substitute for regular medical care. Be sure to talk to your doctor first to see if ingesting baking soda is right for you and how much is safe.
  • Baking soda is high in sodium and is not safe in high doses nor should it be used over a long period of time. It is also not safe for people who have certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, liver or kidney disease or edema. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid it unless directed by their doctor. If not dissolved properly or if taken on a full stomach it can cause an upset stomach.
  • Possible side effects of drinking baking soda in water include stomach cramps and increased thirst. If you notice more serious side effects such as nausea, weakness, slow breathing, mental changes or swelling of the feet, contact your doctor.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Homemade Healing Salve

My son and I were playing outside in the sprinkler the other day, eating fresh peaches and enjoying a beautiful summer day. When we came inside I noticed both of us had several bug bites and a few scrapes on our legs. After thoroughly cleaning the wounds with water and calendula goats milk soap, I decided I should put some sort of salve on it to help heal quicker and relieve the itching. That is how I came up with my very inexpensive (especially if you keep these ingredients on hand like I do), easy, and effective healing salve.

Homemade healing salve


1/4 cup coconut oil 

1 tablespoon dried calendula 


Warm the coconut oil just enough so it is a liquid (this can be done by putting it in glass jar and running warm water over it until the coconut oil melts). Once you have your liquid coconut oil, mix 1 table spoon of the calendula into the coconut oil. I added a couple extra pinches of it just for good measure. Once mixed store your salve in a airtight container in a cool place. If it is too warm you will have coconut/calendula soup instead of salve. 

I use this on bites, scrapes, burns, ect. You can add a few drop of lavender essential oil to give it antibacterial, antiseptic, and slightly pain reliving properties. 

This salve helped soothe the itching, and helped my son and I heal up quickly from our bug bites and scrapes. I will be sure to keep some on hand for the rest of the summer!

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Homemade Mouth Wash

I simply can not believe I didn't read the ingredients on our mouth wash sooner! Ugh! I was standing in the bathroom the other day chatting with my husband while he brushed his teeth. He reached for the mouth wash and when he sat it down I realized there was a whole paragraph of ingredients on the back. At that point I already knew I would be throwing it out and making my own, but I went ahead and read them. Disgusting! I immediately told him to spit it out and we would not be buying any more! He told me that was just fine as long as I replaced it with something because he really likes using mouth wash. Right away I went to work trying to find a recipe that I thought would work. This is what I came up with...

1 quart of water
3 drops peppermint essential oil
1 drop clove essential oil

Mix together in mason jar. Shake before use. Swish in mouth then spit out.

My husband tried it today and absolutely loves it! It is so cheap it is nearly free, and it doesn't have any chemicals, dyes, or any bad for you junk in it. It tastes great, smells great, works great, and is actually very good for your mouth. I have never been a big fan of mouth wash, I didn't like the *burn* it always left in my mouth. This mouth wash, however, is quite pleasant. I am a big fan. Try it out, let me know what you think. There are many, many ways you can customize this to your liking. These just happened to be the ingredients I had on hand when I decided to make it.

For more of my homemade tips click here.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

An alternitave to this recipe is to use 3-4 drops OnGuard essential oil blend by doTerra. It tastes much better then the clove oil, and has many more protecting properties. 

My (huge) garden.

I have a huge garden. It would be a large garden for anyone, but it is especially big considering the fact that it is my very first garden, I'm taking care of it mostly by myself, and I have a one year old that demands 97% of my time. What do I have planted in this huge garden you ask? Well let me just tell you...

Peppers (banana, bell, hot)

I have several plants of everything. Most of the stuff has more then one row. That isn't including my herbs or flowers.

Oh, did I mention that it is 100% organic? Yeah, basically that means I have crazy amounts of grass and weeds growing in it and the only way to get rid of them is by pulling them or hoeing them. Our tiller is broken, the one we borrowed had to be returned to the owner (it didn't work right either, so it wasn't the best anyway) so I can't even get between the rows tilled to help knock back some of the weeds and grass. I have no idea what to do with 300 beets. I have radishes coming out my ears, and my poor squash is so big they are starting to break at the base. I know next year will be a lot better because not only will we have more time to plan and prep the ground, we will also have experience. My son will be a year older so that will maybe make things easier, and I will hopefully have a better idea of what I am doing. However, none does me any good today. Because today I have this beautiful garden that really needs some tender loving care, and I just can't seem to provide all it needs.

Incase you didn't know, we just moved into our house a month and a half ago. This is the reason I didn't have much time to prep and plan out my garden better, or get more reliable tiller.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A whole year!

It has been a whole year. I can hardly believe it! My little man is a year old already. I have learned so much this past year, it has been full of new experiences and challenges I could have never imagined before becoming a parent. I have done things I always swore I would never do (co-sleeping for example), I have done things others said I would never do (breastfeeding and cloth diapering for example), and I have decided not to do many things I always thought were just how things were supposed to be (bottles and baby food for example).

For the past year my little man has only been breastfed, straight from the breast. He has never had a bottle, he never actually took a pacifier. For about 2 weeks he would sleep with it, then I got tired of not sleeping and we co-slept after that, so no more pacifier, he had boob and slept MUCH better. He ONLY had breastmilk for the first 7 1/2 months of his life, at which point he started reaching out and eating food from my plate. I have never spoon fed him baby food, he has always fed himself. Of course, he can't work a spoon and feed himself things like oatmeal yet, so I help him, but 98% of what he eats he picks up and feeds to himself and has since he first consumed something other than breastmilk. He loves to be worn in a baby carrier (beco for example), he likes to sit and play on the floor all on his own, he likes to help do everything that I do. He eats amazingly well for someone his age. He loves fruit, veggies, meat, and drinks water from a straw (he skipped the sippy cup). His favorite meal would consist of sautéed squash and zucchini, sweet and spicy turnip greens, roasted sweet potatoes and carrots, with roasted chicken, with ice water to drink and of course strawberries and yogurt for dessert. Those are by far his favorite foods. 

Yes, I still cloth diaper him. I hate disposables. Due to where we lived temporarily, along with some unforeseen, crazy events I had to use disposables for 3 months. Now that things are getting back to normal we are back in cloth. I have decided to keep using the disposables for nighttime and when we go places. Mostly because he doesn't like to be changed often when we are out, and that keeps him dryier for longer then the cloth ones that I have right now. Otherwise we are back to cloth. They are simply better, for a variety of reasons. 

Yes, I am still breastfeeding him. I realize he is one and isn't considered a baby anymore. It is still extremely benifical for his phycal and emotional needs. I truly hope to keep going until his third birthday. 

Yes, he is still co-sleeping. Again, this is something that is very benifical (not as much as breastfeeding, but still important) for him. When he is ready he will move to his own bed. Until then he is welcome to sleep where he knows he is safe and feels comfortable. 

I am so blessed to have such a healthy, happy child. There are so many benefits to extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping. I realize it isn't for everyone and that is a choice you have to make. However, for us the benefits greatly outweigh the challenges that come from it. Because of the breastfeeding and co-sleeping combination he sleeps 11 hours every night and has been that way since I brought him to our bed. 

This is what works for us, and I am so glad that it does. This wasn't even remotely close to how I envisioned our first year, it is so so much better!

By the way if this post makes you feel like I'm patting myself on the back, then you would be right. I am very proud of how things have gone over this first year. I am so happy to be able to say my son has never had a bottle or formula. I'm not saying it was easy, it has been far from easy. For the first three months my son never unlatched! I was either breastfeeding or he was screaming, for THREE MONTHS. After that I started getting an hour or so a day where I didn't have to hold and/or nurse him. Then finally by 6 months I was able to do a few things throughout the day without him screaming the whole time. Now at a year I still hold him quite a bit, and I still nurse him several times a day. I nurse him to sleep at night, and usually during nap time. I don't like to go very far away from home (I'm talking more then 15min) when it is just me and him because he doesn't much like being in the car seat. Things change every day though, he gets bigger, things like the car seat bother him less, and he is getting much more interested in playing instead of being held all the time. I am so happy that we have pushed through the tough days, and I am so very thankful the things that have been such a big challenge are starting to get easier as the days go by. I couldn't have even made it through the first couple of days without the good Lord and the amazing amount of support from my husband and mom.

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

General Cleaning and Sanitizing

For general cleaning and sanitizing I like to use a few different things. Sometimes I like to use castile soap as the base with essential oils as the main sanitizing agent, other times I use vinegar as the base along with the essential oils, yet, other times I use hydrogen peroxide as the base. This really varies depending on what I am cleaning and just how much scrubbing I think will be necessary.

Option 1: Castile Soap Based Cleaner

  • Dr.Bronners liquid castile soap (you can use whatever brand you like, that is just what I use)
  • Water
  • 32oz Spray Bottle
  • Optional: Essential oils. Things like tea tree, lavender, or lemon not only act as a sanitizing agent, but they smell great! 
In the spray bottle I put about 2-3 tablespoons of castile soap, 20 drops essential oil, and fill with water. Shake to mix then spray to use.

Option 2: Vinegar Based Cleaner

  • White vinegar (you can use apple cider vinegar if you like) 
  • Water
  • 32oz Spray Bottle
  • Optional: Essential oils. Things like tea tree, lavender, or lemon not only act as a sanitizing agent, but they smell great! 
Fill the spray about 1/4 full of vinegar, finish with water, add around 20 drops of essential oil. Shake to mix, then spray to use.

Option 3: Hydrogen Peroxide Based Cleaner

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Dark colored bottle (I just use the peroxide bottle and squirt it out the tiny hole in the top)
  • Water
  • Optional: Essential oils. Things like tea tree, lavender, or lemon not only act as a sanitizing agent, but they smell great! 
In your container use about half and half of water and peroxide. Be sure to keep the peroxide in a dark container, if it is exposed to light it takes out the oxygen (which takes away the sanitizing properties and you basically have water).

Side notes:
  • Supposedly microfiber cloths "wipe away all the germs" so you can just use them with water to sanitize. I have never been comfortable with that method, so I use microfiber cloths with any of the above cleaners and I feel very confident that it is sanitary at that point.     
  • Castile soap isn't actually a "disinfectant" so to make that method "sanitize" I use a few drops of the essential oils.

    Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Laundry Soap and Fabric Softener

I have been making my own laundry soap for about 5 years now. Mostly because I'm allergic to pretty much every single kind at the store. Out of desperation I started making my own. Over the years it has saved quite a bit of money, my clothes are clean, my skin doesn't itch so I keep making it. Recently, I have been striving to be "chemical-free" in my home, which caused me to change my detergent recipe. This new recipe is great! It is a liquid, which I recently learned is much better for your washer, and it is very easy to make. This is one of those things I can throw together even while holding my son if necessary. I make a gallon at a time. Feel free to make a big 5 gallon bucket of it if you want, the only reason I don't do this is because I use my bucket for other things and never remember to buy a new one with a lid, and I really don't want to mess with where to keep it and getting it out. For me, one gallon at a time works great. One gallon does about 48 loads, and cost aprox: $2.21 (about .05 cents per load). If buying in bulk it cost about $40 to get all the ingredients (you can get it as cheap as $15 but it makes less detergent), however, I use every single one of the ingredients for other purposes so I buy in bulk, it makes more sense that way. If you spend only $15 on the ingredients it will make several batches (about 3-4 gallons) and you will know if you want to invest in the bulk versions next time.

 Here is what I use:

Laundry Soap

  • Dr. Bronners liquid castle soap in lavender (you can use any brand, or scent) 
  • Borax
  • Washing soda
  • Warm water
  • Gallon container (I use an empty vinegar bottle)
I put 1/4 cup each of borax and washing soda into the bottle, add very warm water and shake until dissolved. Then I add 1/2 cup of the liquid castle soap. I usually shake before using, and I use around 1/3 cup per load in my HE washer.

Feel free to add a few drops of essential oils. Sometimes I add extra lavender, or if I use the unscented castle soap I will add peppermint, lemon, or just whatever smells good.

Mixing Tip:
  • Once you put the powder into the container then put a little water into the container, shake, and then fill about 1/3 full of water before you add the castle soap.

Fabric Softener:

I fill my fabric softener container on my washer with pure white vingear. My clothes are soft, static-free, and they do NOT smell like vinegar. Also, I keep several wool dryer balls in the dryer to help dry the clothes faster (saves money on electric), and really helps the static if you forgot the vinegar.

Just a side note: 

Fabric softener sheets are very hard on your dryer. The waxy junk on them builds up in the vent area and is basically impossible to remove, which eventually can be a fire hazard (and makes you use more energy to dry clothes, therefor, costing more money).

Want to get good quality essential oils? Click here.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Product review.

 The Concrobium House and Deck Wash works great. We used it on the back of our house and deck. It made a huge difference. This product was very easy to use. 

The KoolerGel
This product works as advertised. I would like to have more of it in a bag, otherwise it earned 5 stars. I used it while camping and it keep the contents of my cooler nice and cold, it make my ice last longer and worked after the ice was gone.

This works great if fishing for pan fish. It really isn't great for much else because of how you have to tie the line.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

I miss cloth diapers.

My son has been in only cloth diapers since the very first day he came home (until recently). This hasn't been without its challenges. There have been type/brand changes, and then change again once he got bigger. I'm pretty sure we have used every single style that they make. I love using cloth diapers on him. I think they are much safer and better for his skin, and I know they are loads better for the environment and my bank account.

Because of a strange series of events my son, husband, dog, cat, and I are living temporarily at my parents house. It was supposed to be for a month or two, and has turned into almost 5 months. Don't worry we are moving into our own house soon. Like I said, it was a strange series of events that brought us here for this long.

Back to the diapers. I had zero intentions of putting my son into a disposable diaper from the beginning. I would much rather make cloth work regardless of our situation. However, the washer I must use while at my parents is not cleaning the diapers very well. Actually, it isn't that it doesn't clean them it is that it doesn't rinse them well. If you have ever used cloth diapers then you understand what a huge issue this is. Not only are they smelling funny, but they aren't absorbing much (if anything). This is a major problem when the whole purpose of a diaper is to absorb! So I was faced with a decision. Continue fighting with the washer and be stressed out about this issue every day. Which was the choice I made for 3 months. I boiled the diapers weekly, I worked day and night trying to keep them like they should be. Finally, I decided to give myself a break and take the other choice. Which was to put him in disposables until we get into our house and have a washer that isn't ruining his cloth diapers. I did not come to this decision easily, nor did I give up without a fight. It has made things easier and less stressful during this already challenging time. It still isn't a decision I am happy about having to make. So very often I wish I could just make this stupid washer work like I need it to, or that the diapers didn't have to go through a crazy long process just to get back to working order. Which I plan to start ASAP when we move.

Disposable diapers are simply trash. They leak, poop oozes out of them very often, and they smell funny. Never mind how unhealthy they are for my son, and how dry it makes his skin.

I really miss using cloth diapers! Most people probably find that statement strange, but for us disposables simply do not make the cut. Even my husband says he can't hardly wait to get our son back in the cloth diapers, because they are so much better.

My breast feeding journey. The first 3 months.

From the very moment my son came into this world until he was about 3 months old he wanted to be latched on the boob. I'm not making this up! It wasn't because he was starving, it was because he is what some people consider a "high-needs baby". My personal opinion is that he is just smart enough to know that it was the best place for him to be. I will back up a bit and tell you about our day to day from the beginning.

It started with 25hrs of labor that led to an emergency c-section. Once I could finally hold the little man he went right for the boob. He needed very little encouragement and latched on right away. It was a bit of a shallow latch, but he was only an hour old so I was patient and let him learn. He nursed for several minuets and fell right to sleep in my arms. I loved every single second! My sweet baby was finally here, and he was latching on, things were going great! I decided to avoid pacifiers for as long as I could, I wanted him to learn to nurse well before I gave him other things that might confuse him. Little did I know, those things weren't going to make the cut anyway so it wouldn't have mattered. We did a lot of skin to skin and nursing at the hospital and after a couple of days we finally got to go home. I learned the hard way (as in he screamed at me for what seemed like hours until I washed it off) that he HATES lanolin, so I used coconut oil instead. My milk came in on day 3. It leaked all the time, everywhere. I was covered in milk, he was covered in milk, my clothes, his clothes, the bed, the couch, the floor, the rug...there was sticky breast milk everywhere! Thankfully I had purchased a pair of bamboobies while pregnant. They saved us from the sticky milk that was taking over our life. It didn't take long before I had purchased a whole pile of them!
While at the hospital I talked to a lactation consultant and had gotten some great tips on positions to nurse in, what to look for to make sure he was eating and things like that. I knew I was "supposed" to make him eat then take him off the boob if he fell asleep. The problem with that for us was that he liked to nurse in his sleep. So I decided it would be okay because I wanted to get a good supply of milk established and he wasn't happy with being taken off the boob unless he unlatched himself. He would eat, sleep, suckle, wake, and eat some more all right there doing skin to skin at the boob. I wore him in a sling and various other baby wearing devices so I could do things like grocery shop. In the car I would give him a pacifier, that didn't last long though. He wasn't impressed with any of the 10 different types of pacifiers I gave him. Which resulted in him screaming until he was out of the seat and back on the boob.
At bedtime for the first two months I would nurse him, lay him in his bassinet to sleep, and when he would wake up I would change him, nurse him and repeat until morning. I was exhausted, but before the little man came into my life I was very firm about not co-sleeping/bed-sharing. It was fine for the first couple months to have my baby in a bassinet beside the bed, but I would not let him sleep in my bed. Yeah...that was a great rule to have until I actually had a baby! Not sleeping and having what some would consider a "high-needs" baby forced me to reevaluate some things. I started researching co-sleeping, in particular bed-sharing. It turns out that when it is done properly bed-sharing is much safer then a baby sleeping in their own space. Of course a lot depends on the parents, the bed, the situation, and a lot on the personality of the baby. For us and our "high-needs" baby it sounded perfect! So during nap time I practiced the sideline nursing position for a couple of days. When I felt comfortable I even took a nap with him. Then one night I was exhausted, all the little man wanted was to be close to me, so I picked him up and laid him beside me. He nursed to sleep, I fell asleep, and we slept for 8 hours! It was amazing! At that point I started putting him to bed in the bassinet, but once he woke the first time (usually around 2-4 hrs later) I brought him to my bed and we slept another 4-6 hours. He could nurse whenever he needed and we both slept much better.
Around 3 months there is a major transition babies go through. Which causes some rough nights. He nursed even more during the day. Which I didn't actually think was possible because he nursed almost constantly as it was. The little man was suddenly having trouble going to sleep, and staying asleep. He hate the bassinet, and wanted nothing but to be held close to the boob if he wasn't latched on. This was a very short phase, it would have been much more difficult had we not read in advance that it was coming. We comforted the little man and did everything we could to help him and his developing brain through the transition. While doing that it eliminated the use of the bassinet all together. He would just lay down beside me when I went to bed.
A lot during those first three months I wondered when it was going to change. I wanted so desperately to be able to lay my sweet baby down somewhere safe while I did things like shower, use the bathroom, get dressed, or even fix something to eat. Never mind cooking, cleaning, or anything "productive" I simply craved proper hygiene and food! Of course it was possible to lay him down, I'm not saying it wasn't, however, he would scream at me until I picked him back up. I could get about 10-20min a day when his dad would hold him, as long as I stayed within a few feet of where he was. This was better then nothing and I couldn't stand to make my sweet baby cry more then he absolutely had to. When I was home alone with him and needed to fix food or do something that required me me not to hold a baby I would do it as quickly as possible and as little as necessary. I knew someday it would be different. Days would go by that I didn't mind at all, other days I was just happy we made it through and that we were one day closer to the little man being happy somewhere else besides only in my arms.
This is how we spent our first 3 months. It was extremely challenging, and at the very same time it was amazingly wonderful! When it would be too much to handle I would try to focus on the fact that had a beautiful, healthy baby that latched on great, I was making plenty of milk, he was eating plenty, and we slept 10-12 hours every single night! I knew I would be able to push through. Many thanks goes to my amazing husband that helped so very much during that time as well. He would come home from a long day at work and cook, clean, do laundry, do diaper laundry (did I mention we were cloth diapering), take the baby so I could shower and have a tiny break, bring me chocolate and make sure I was eating, make me ice water and watch whatever show I wanted on tv. He was and is simply wonderful! If the little man was having trouble going to sleep (during the transition phase) he would take him for walks at 10pm up and down the street even though he had to be awake at 4am for work. Those first few months were challenging and wonderful for all of us! I am here to say it has been very much worth it and it really does change quickly.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Educate yourself! Soy formula and rice cereal are terrible for baby humans!

*Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean it is right*

**Disclaimer** I am VERY pro breastfeeding, however, I realize there are choices that are made and/or situations that result in giving a baby formula. As much as I am for breastfeeding I am even more for feeding babies, and feeding them the best you can. If that means no breast milk, then at the very least I ask that you look into the formula you choose. There are MUCH better options then soy and/or rice formula/cereal.**

I wish more people would educate themselves about the food they provide for their children. It makes me so sad when I see people making very poor choices, and I know most of the time it isn't because they don't care, it is because they simply do not know better. I was at the store today and saw a young mother purchasing food for her around 6 month old baby. It made me so sad for the baby, and I really wanted to let the mom know what she was planning on feeding her precious child just wasn't the best choice. She had; soy formula (if you must use formula then try to get one with the least soy possible), rice cereal to thicken the formula (if you give cereal then please DO NOT use rice) and jarred baby food. The jarred baby food was the least concerning items. Even though I do not think a less than 6 month old baby should be fed baby food, especially from a jar, at least that is less of the soy and rice crap she will have to eat. In my opinion (and experience) it is so much better and easier to just wait until the baby is ready for food, and then give them regular people food. No need for baby food. Have you tasted that crap? No wonder kids grow up to be picky eaters. I realize this mother wasn't doing anything differently than almost everyone else these days. That still doesn't mean it is the best decision. She probably never received very good breast feeding advice or support, and I'm sure she thinks she is doing what is best. This is where it makes me the most upset though. Why don't people look into things for themselves? If she had done any sort of research on her own there is no way she would have been feeding her child such a terrible diet. It makes me want to just tell people to READ! Find out what the ingredients are, and if your child should consume those particular ingredients. Also, check even a little more into it and find out if they are physically ready to digest such things. Just because the jar/box (that by the way is trying to sell you something) says its okay does not mean it is best! As you know by now I love the quote: When you know better, do better. I think I should add to that...and spend some time learning to do better!

More info on rice cereal: Consumer Reports, the independent consumer watchdog group, has conducted analysis of a number of different rice products, finding that an array of them–including organic rice baby cereal, rice breakfast cereals, brown rice, and white rice–contain “worrisome” levels of the carcinogenic toxin arsenic. Arsenic is not regulated in food, though the government does have a standard of 10 parts per billion (ppb) for arsenic in drinking water. From Consumer Reports: Source

More info on soy formula: Other problems that have been anecdotally associated with children of both sexes who were fed soy-based formula include extreme emotional behavior, asthma, immune system problems, pituitary insufficiency, thyroid disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.
Concerns about the dangers of soy have prompted consumer groups in New Zealand and Canada to call for a ban on the sale of soy infant formula. Milk-based formula contains a better protein profile and does not flood the infant with antinutrients and female hormones. Breast feeding is best IF the mother has consumed a healthy diet, one that is rich in animal proteins and fats, throughout her pregnancy and continues to do so while nursing her infant. Mothers who cannot breast feed, for whatever reason, should prepare homemade formula based on whole milk for their babies. The rare child allergic to whole milk formula should be given a whole foods meat-based formula, not one made of soy protein isolate. Parents who invest time in preparing homemade formula will be well rewarded with the joys of conferring robust good health on their children.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A real day, of real food.

Today was a normal day. We didn't go anywhere (which is more common then a day where we go into town), and it seems our sleep/eat routine was right about normal. So I decided today would be a good day to take note of what we eat to share with you. Breakfast and lunch and the snacks are for my 9 month old and myself. Dinner is for us and my husband.

Breakfast: we both had a fresh pear cut into chunks, oatmeal with a little coconut oil and maple syrup.

Snack: the little man had; homemade apple/pear pouch, homemade granola bar. I had; homemade granola bar.

Lunch: the little man had; carrots (sliced and boiled till soft), sweet potato (boiled chunks), leftover pork chop. I ate; leftover pork chop, and leftover quinoa.

Snack: the little man had; the rest of his fruit pouch, and a fresh apple (sliced and peeled). I had; a homemade granola bar and a couple homemade marshmallows.,

Dinner: stir-fry with whole grain noodles. The stir-fry consisted of...chicken breast, sugar snap peas, water chestnuts, tomatoes, orange and yellow bell pepper, sweet potato, mushrooms, and yellow squash.

Evening snack: arrowroot cookie for the little man, and homemade pineapple ice cream for my husband and I.

Of course the little man breastfed throughout the day so this wasn't his only nourishment. This is a typical day of real food in our house. What do you eat?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Real food.

We have chosen to eat real food because that processed boxed/fast food junk simply isn't good for you. Never mind that it is expensive, isn't even tasty, and makes us feel bad. Real food that is made from wholesome healthy ingredients tastes so much better, cost less (once you get started and have some ingredients already on hand), and is SO very much healthier! It doesn't even take that long to prepare a good, healthy, homemade meal. In the photo is another reason we are choosing real food. If it doesn't break down, or mold, ect, then it isn't real food and we should not be eating it! We are still doing a very limited amount of processed things just because we don't have our garden up and going yet (like canned tomatoes from the store as opposed to ones I canned from my garden). Once we have our garden this spring, and our fruit trees start bearing fruit we will be buying even less at the store. In the mean time there is so much we can do to better our food. Right now when we go food shopping our motto is "if it has ingredients that we wouldn't use at home, can't pronounce, or don't know what it is exactly we do not buy it". This is a big step from just buying what looked good. In addition, we are not eating fast food. If it doesn't come from a locally owned, small chain, regular type diner/restaurant that uses mostly fresh ingredients then we just simply eat at home or bring food with us when we are out. These are our first steps to being healthier, less dependent on outside sources for food, and striving to live better. What are you doing to achieve this?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Tonight was a major break through on "operation nap/bed time change" of putting the little man to bed without mama laying beside him. Usually for him to go to bed for the night it requires me to lay down and nurse him in bed. I love co-sleeping and nursing, neither of which I'm looking to change right now. The goal right now is to work toward the little man taking naps without me being beside him the whole time, and being able to be put into bed without me being there for at least a couple hours. He seems to like to go to bed around 8pm, which is great, except I want to go to bed around 10pm. Those 2 extra hours a day I would love to be able to spend with my husband without one of us holding a baby, or even get some cleaning done and some prepping for the next day (meals, laundry, ect). However, as things are the little man needs his mama to lay down and nurse him, then stay beside him while he sleeps. We haven't had much success, yet, with the napping alone because he has been teething, which requires extra nursing and cuddles. I do think we are on the right track though. He is been unlatching and rolling over so that is a step in the right direction. However, tonight we had a major break through! The little man accidentally skipped his afternoon nap (it got late in the day and then dad came home, then it was dinner time) so he was ready for bed at 7:30pm. I took this opportunity to try something. I sat in the rocking chair and nursed him, he very quickly fell asleep, then unlatched. At this point I took him to the bed and laid him down (something that hasn't been successful since he was about 2 months old). He opened his eyes, and then fell right back to sleep! It was amazing! It lasted about an hour before he started looking for me. I still count this as a major success because dad and I got to hang out on the couch and hold hands just the two of us for an entire hour! Also, the little man was laid down and stayed asleep! I am so excited! I think this is the beginning of "operation nap/bed time change" being successful.